Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Add a User and/or Group to all SiteCollections as SiteCollection Admin

This Script will automatically add a User and/Or Group to ALL SiteCollections in ALL WebApplications of your SharePoint Farm.
It can be very easily modified to do this action on just one WebApp  by editing the line
$wapps = Get-SPWebApplication to
$wapps = Get-SPWebApplication "mywebappname" 

#example: $AccountList = @("DOMAIN\User" , "DOMAIN\Group")
$AccountList = @("domain\myuser")

$wapps = Get-SPWebApplication
Foreach($webapp in $wapps)
  foreach ($SiteCollection in $webapp.Sites)
       write-host $SiteCollection.url
       $spweb = Get-SPWeb $SiteCollection.url

       foreach ($Account in $AccountList)
           $user = Get-SPUSER -identity $Account -web $SiteCollection.url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
           if ($user -eq $null)
               $SPWeb.ALLUsers.ADD($Account, "", "", "Added by SiteCollectionAdminScript")
               $user = Get-SPUSER -identity $Account -web $SiteCollection.url
               Write-host "Added user $Account to URL $SPWeb.URL" -Foregroundcolor green
                Write-host "user $Account was already in URL " $SPWeb.URL -Foregroundcolor red
           if ($user.IsSiteAdmin -ne $true)
             $user.IsSiteAdmin = $true
             Write-host "$account has been made an admin on $SPWeb.URL" -Foregroundcolor green
             Write-host "$account was already an admin on $SPWeb.URL" -Foregroundcolor red

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