Thursday, March 29, 2012

Query Suggestions

$myquerysuggestion = "SharePoint"

$sa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
New-SPEnterpriseSearchLanguageResourcePhrase -SearchApplication $sa -Language EN-US -Type QuerySuggestionAlwaysSuggest -Name $myquerysuggestion

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Add a User and/or Group to all SiteCollections as SiteCollection Admin

This Script will automatically add a User and/Or Group to ALL SiteCollections in ALL WebApplications of your SharePoint Farm.
It can be very easily modified to do this action on just one WebApp  by editing the line
$wapps = Get-SPWebApplication to
$wapps = Get-SPWebApplication "mywebappname" 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The password for the content access account cannot be decrypted.....


The password for the content access account cannot be decrypted because it was stored with different credentials. Re-type the password for the account used to crawl this content.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

No Help Collection was found. / Help content cannot be displayed.

cd %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\BIN
Hcinstal.exe /act InstallAllHCs

(do this action on all your SharePoint Servers)

Friday, March 16, 2012

SharePoint 2010 Browser Support

Great Article:

But in general:
Only Internet Explorer 7-9 32Bit is fully supported.
All other browsers are just supported WITH limitations.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WebDav: Move Files between WebDav Folders

It's most of all only possible to "move" data between WebDav Folder per Copy/Paste.
A REAL move is mostly not possible (just in special constellations)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Replace Text within multiple Wikipages using PowerShell

Simple Sitecollection Backup

If you have for each site collection a seperate contentdatabase, you can use this script.
Otherwhise you've just to modify the backupfilename.

SharePoint Licensing

A great site about the SP licensing models.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

MySite: An error occurred trying to save your profile

If you've multiple languages installed, you've alway to add "English" in your Managed Metadata Set.
You can still choose your default danguage to any other you want.

This is, what i've logged in ULS:

ProfileUI.SavePropertyValue(): System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: lcid
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TermStore.ValidateLanguage(Int32 lcid)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.Term.GetDefaultLabel(Int32 lcid)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.ProfilePropertyLoader.<>c__DisplayClass7.<GetValueCollectionStringRepresentation>b__6(Term i)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.ProfilePropertyLoader.GetValueCollectionStringRepresentation(ProfileValueCollectionBase valueCollection)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.ProfilePropertyLoader.ValueEx(String strPropName)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.ProfileUI.SavePropertyValue(ProfileBase objProfile, ProfileSubtypeProperty prop, Boolean bIgnoreEmpty).