Thursday, April 19, 2012

Start all Health Analyzer Jobs

get-sptimerjob | where {$_.Name -like "*Health*" -and $_.Name -like "*all*"} | start-sptimerjob

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rename Central Administration Content Database

$ca_webapp_name = "http://centraladmin_url:9090"

$new_ca_contentdbname = "Content_CentralAdministration"

$old_ca_contentdatabase = get-spcontentdatabase -webapplication $ca_webapp_name

new-spcontentdatabase -name $new_ca_contentdbname  -webapplication $ca_webapp_name

$new_ca_cdb_id = Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $ca_webapp_name | where {$_.Name -eq $new_ca_contentdbname}

get-spsite -contentdatabase $old_ca_contentdatabase | move-spsite -destinationdatabase $new_ca_cdb_id

 .... i will test this solution at 19th. April 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Visual Upgrade

$site = Get-SPSite("SP2007 Look And Feel SiteCollection")

Monday, April 2, 2012

Silent SharePoint Server installation

Create a BAT file within your SharePoint Binary Path: %~dp0setup.exe /config %~dp0SPconfig.xml

Create a File: SPConfig.xml within your SharePoint Binary Path and copy the following text into it.

 <Package Id="sts">
  <Setting Id="LAUNCHEDFROMSETUPSTS" Value="Yes"/>
 <Package Id="spswfe">
  <Setting Id="SETUPCALLED" Value="1"/>
         <Setting Id="REBOOT" Value="ReallySuppress"/>       
  <Setting Id="OFFICESERVERPREMIUM" Value="1" />
 <Logging Type="verbose" Path="C:\SharePoint\Log" Template="SharePoint Server Setup(*).log"/>
 <PIDKEY Value="12345-12345-12345-12345-12345" />
 <DATADIR Value="C:\SharePoint\Data"/>
 <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="yes" />
 <Setting Id="USINGUIINSTALLMODE" Value="0"/>
 <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" />
 <Setting Id="SETUPTYPE" Value="CLEAN_INSTALL"/>

PS Script to Download all PreRequisites Files

Configure Incoming Mail
