Wednesday, December 14, 2011

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Check permissions for the Web Application application pool account
Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Navigate to the Database roles for the SharePoint AdminContent database: (local)\SharePointinstance –> Databases –> SharePoint_AdminContent_8a628b24 –> Security –> Roles –> Database Roles
Double click WSS_Content_Application_Pools. This will open the Database Role properties. On the left hand side, select Securables. Look for the following entries:
  • proc_EnumResourcesAtScope
  • proc_EnumResourceValuesForAllLangs
If these do not exist, perform the following steps to add them:
Click Search… –> Specific objects… –> OK –> Object Types –> select Stored procedures –> OK –> enter the above 2 entries: proc_EnumResourcesAtScope and proc_EnumResourceValuesForAllLangs –> Click Check Names and accept –> OK.

Now the stored procedures are added to the WSS_Content_Application_Pools Database role. Now we need to add the Execute permission for this database role.
To do this, select the 2 entries, and check Execute. After you are done, click OK.