Tuesday, March 5, 2013

SharePoint Social Rating Updates moreoften than once per hour

These two TimerJobs are responsible for Social Rating Updates:
  • User Profile service application - social data maintenance
    • Aggregates social tags and ratings and cleans the social data change log.
  • User Profile service application proxy - social rating synchronization
    • Synchronizes rating values between the social database and content database.
Per default these Jobs are running hourly. You can modify these jobs to run more than once an hour up to once per minute.

Performance Considerations when you let this timerjob run e.g.: once per minute:
 --> You have to monitor especially the performance of your social database, because this is the single point where every rating information is inserted.

 How to find out how long these TimerJobs are currently running:

$social_timer = get-sptimerjob | ? {$_.Name -like "*social*"}

foreach ($timer in $social_timer)
    write-host "Duration of TimerJob:" $timer.name "(hh:mm:ss,ms)" -foregroundcolor yellow
     $historyentries = $timer.historyentries
     foreach ($hist in $historyentries)
        $duration = $hist.EndTime - $hist.StartTime
        write-host $duration.hours":"$duration.minutes":"$duration.seconds","$duration.milliseconds -foregroundcolor green

AntiVirus for SharePoint 2013 - Status 05.Mar 2013

Microsoft's Position on Antivirus Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server

Now the "good" news from Spencer Harbar:

http://www.eset.com/beta/sharepoint/ = currently beta but RTM coming soon (currently the one and only AV for SharePoint which is supported)

SQL Query: Shrink all DBs


sp_MSForEachDB '
backup log [?] to disk = ''nul'''

sp_MSForEachDB '
use [?];

sp_MSForEachDB '
USE [?];
DBCC SHRINKFILE (N''?_log'' , 1024)

PowerPoint: Link within Email -> Check out do not work properly

This KB describes the problem exactly and brings up a solution: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2661910

But in a few sentences.
There are two ways to solve that problem:
  1. add a RegKey to all Clients
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.12]
  2. Set the Browser File Handling setting within WebApplication settings to permissive instead of strict.
Here's a little more information to "Browser File Handling" (what is it)