Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Event ID 8193 Volume Shadow Copy Service Error

Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine RegOpenKeyExW(-2147483646,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\Diag,...). hr = 0x80070005, Access is denied.
Writer Class Id: {0ff1ce14-0201-0000-0000-000000000000}
Writer Name: OSearch14 VSS Writer
Writer Instance ID: {07c936a8-347c-4e39-8014-2a057f611382}

Go to the details tab within the event.
There you'll see some information AND a USER --> the SharePoint Search Admin Account.

Just give that user Full Control at the Registry Key:

After a Serverreboot the errormessage shouldn't appear again.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Event 2159 / 5586

Event 5586 (SharePoint Foundation) of severity 'Error' occurred 540 more time(s) and was suppressed in the event log.

Reasons for this Event:

Possible Fix:
1.Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager (assuming you are using SQL 2008 or higher)
2.Browse down to SQL Server Network Configuration – Protocols for <namedserverinstance>
3.Right-click “Named Pipes” in the right pane and choose Enable
4.You may need to restart the server for changes to take effect

Granting the farm database access account “VIEW SERVER STATE” under the SQL Server properties will also resolve this issue.

use [master]
GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [domain\timer_service_user]